Policy Statement.
St Stephen’s seeks to be a community that is safe and welcoming for all. As part of this commitment we recognise our responsibility to protect and promote the welfare of those legally defined as children, together with vulnerable adults.
In order to better achieve this aim we have a Safeguarding Policy that takes into account these needs. The Child Protection Policy is available below to download, and we currently adhere to the Diocesan Vulnerable Adult Policy (include a link to that on the Diocesan Website – below the link to the Child Protection Policy).
St. Stephen's is committed to providing a safe and caring environment for all people who come to our church especially those less than 18 years of age by valueing, listening to and respecting adults and young people, promoting their welfare and protection. We recognise that the parish's work with children and young people is the responsibility of the whole church community.
Our Child Protection Policy sets out guidelines and commitments by which we can achieve this. Our child protection policy is available below and will open in a new window. It has been written following the guidance in the Diocese of Chelmsford Child Protection Policy and Manual.
This policy was originally adopted on the 10th September 2013 and will be reviewed annually as part of the work of the Parochial Church Council Click To Download PDF
The Chelmsford Dioceasan web site is very helpful and can be accessed here.
The Church Of England, House Of Bishops safeguarding policy document can be found following Click To Download PDF.
Any adult or child with concerns about abuse, of themselves or of someone else, is encouraged to contact the Parish Child Protection Representative, the Diocesan Child Protection Advisor, or the local child protection agencies.
Concerns shared within the church will be dealt with in accordance with the Diocese of Chelmsford Child Protection Policy and Manual.
St Stephens Church is part of the Diocese of Chelmsford. For further information about Safeguarding in the Diocese of Chelmsford, their Safeguarding Team and Safeguarding Contacts click here. The page includes contact details of many Safeguarding organisations and charities.
If you believe that somebody is in immediate risk of danger or harm you should call 999 and ask for the police.
For Local Harlow Safeguarding Issues Please Contact:
Diocease General Safeguarding Enquiries: 01245 29 44 90 or email "safeguarding @ chelmsford.anglican.org".
This covers - DBS checks - Training including e-learning - Safer Recruitment - Policy/Practice Guidance.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Duty Line is 01245 29 44 44 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri not Bank Holidays).
The Diocesan Child Protection Advisor is available day or night on 07903 831965
The Parish Child Protection Representative Kim Allen on 07811 984646.
Harlow Council’s designated Safeguarding Officer on 01279 446192
Essex County Council 24 hour protection line for children & vulnerable adults on 0845 606 1212
Other Helplines:
• NSPCC : 0808 800 5000
• Childline: 0800 1111
• Stop It Now: 0808 1000 900
• NAPAC : 0808 801 0331
• Samaritans: 116 123
• Family Lives: 0808 800 2222
• National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
• Action On Elder Abuse: 080 8808 8141
• Vulnerable adults you can call the ASKSAL helpline on 03452 66 66 63
(SAL - Safeguarding Adults Line)